
Apple Watch 7 may not work with old bands — here's why

Apple Lookout 7 may non work with old bands — here's why

Apple Watch 7 leak
(Epitome credit: Jon Prosser & Ian Zelbo)

A number of sources have reported that the new Apple Sentinel 7 will feature the first screen size increase since the fourth generation arrived in 2018. The 1mm change to 41- and 45mm may non sound like a lot, but this could mean that, across the diagonal, the larger model goes from i.78 to 1.9 inches.

While by and large viewed as a positive movement, it does raise an interesting question about what happens to existing bands, both Apple made and tertiary party. While previous leaks have suggested that older straps volition continue to fit the Apple Watch 7, Android Police's Max Weinbach speculates that this may non be the instance, based on what he'south heard from an Apple Store employee.

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Whatsoever anecdotal ascertainment like this should exist treated with a degree of skepticism, and in that location are reasons to be extra cautious here. Notation that the squad merely "expect" the Watch won't use the same strap, and Weinbach's source is just ane fellow member of said squad. Mayhap their specific shop isn't getting whatever more, but every other store in the district is? Maybe they accept a surplus they need to get rid of? Maybe more will exist coming, but Apple tree offset has to rework the packaging to bespeak the product is compatible with both the forty- and 41mm versions?

All of these things are possible or Weinbach's source could be blindside on the money. Perhaps the new design simply doesn't fit the older generation, and/or Apple sees an opportunity to sell new straps to people who've been using the same i since the first-generation watch arrived in 2015.

After six years of band compatibility, it's hard to mutter too much if the seventh generation of Apple Watch mixes things up. Subsequently all, we don't look our iPhone cases to work from 1 generation to the next, so should Apple Sentry straps really exist any different? The device will almost certainly ship with a strap of some kind, so it's not similar buyers volition be stuck without: it's just up to them to make up one's mind whether they desire to bandbox it up with something a little more than distinctive than the default choice.

In addition to generally making things easier to read on the wrist, the new larger Apple tree Watch 7 screen could lead to a number of brand new watch faces. While every new design might not eventually ship with the Apple Watch 7, Apple is evidently toying with a blueprint featuring a number of extra complications stacked to the side, and another which shows all the world'due south 24 fourth dimension zones simultaneously.

Hopefully, we'll get to run across the new sentinel this month at the Apple Event, though the production line has reportedly hit problems that could either see the Apple Watch vii delayed or available in express quantities at launch.

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Freelance contributor Alan has been writing about tech for over a decade, covering phones, drones and everything in between. Previously Deputy Editor of tech site Alphr, his words are constitute all over the spider web and in the occasional mag also. When not weighing upwardly the pros and cons of the latest smartwatch, you'll probably find him tackling his ever-growing games backlog. Or, more likely, playing Spelunky for the millionth time.


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