
How To Format Hard Drive Before Installing Windows 10


Others may accept a more than detailed explanation, but basically you kicking with Windows Installation media on a Flash Drive or DVD, then select "Custom Install" when the option appears..

This will bring up a window where you can delete\format individual partitions, or everything on the bulldoze...

If this is a newer machine that came with Win 8, viii.i, or x, you will be amend served using a Flash Bulldoze created with the "Create Media Tool"...

Just run the tool and follow the instructions...

http://world wide

Depending on the motorcar, y'all may need to select Boot Options at the manufacturers screen to select the Flash Drive... The central you would hitting varies widely by manufacturer, simply is usually something like F2, F9, F11, F12, ESC, Del...

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I ever start by searching the spider web. Here are a few of the many results yous will detect:

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Y'all should offset past asking yourself whether you lot really need to practice this. Information technology'south usually a bad mistake.

With a modicum of care, it should never be necessary to reinstall Windows (any version).I've run Windows 2.0, 3.0, 3.ane, 3.eleven, WFWG 3.11, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows, and now Windows 10, each for the period of time before the adjacent version came out, and each on two or more machines here. I never reinstalled any of them (with a single exception--a problem that I worked on for weeks unsuccessfully), and I have never had anything more than than an occasional small-scale problem.

It's my belief that this mistaken notion stems from the technical back up people at many of the larger OEMs. Their solution to almost whatsoever problem they don't quickly know the reply to is "reformat and reinstall." That'south the perfect solution for them. It gets you off the phone chop-chop, it almost e'er works, and information technology doesn't require them to do whatever real troubleshooting (a skill that virtually of them patently don't possess in any great caste).

Just it leaves you with all the work and all the problems. Yous accept to restore all your data backups, yous have to reinstall all your programs, you lot have to reinstall all the Windows and awarding updates, you lot have to locate and install all the needed drivers for your organisation, y'all accept to recustomize Windows and all your apps to work the way yous're comfortable with.

Besides all those things being time-consuming and troublesome, you lot may take trouble with some of them: exercise you lot have or tin can y'all find all the drivers yous need? can you discover all your application CDs? Can you notice all the needed installation codes? Do you have data backups to restore? Do you even recall all the customizations and tweaks you may have installed to make everything work the way you similar? Occasionally there are bug that are so hard to solve that Windows should be reinstalled cleanly. Just they are few and far between; reinstallation should non be a substitute for troubleshooting; it should be a final resort, to exist done merely after all other attempts at troubleshooting by a qualified person have failed.

And mayhap nigh important: if you reformat and reinstall without finding out what caused your problem, you volition very likely echo the behavior that acquired information technology, and quickly find yourself back in exactly the aforementioned situation.

If you have problems, post the details of them here; it'south likely that someone can assist yous and a reinstallation won't be required.

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Thanks Mr. Ken Blake,

I mean that seriously. I loved the answer and it made 100% sense to me. I do fall into the theme that y'all were discussing where you lot stated: "And perhaps almost of import: if yous reformat and reinstall without finding out what caused your problem, y'all volition very likely repeat the behavior that caused information technology, and speedily find yourself dorsum in exactly the same situation."

I know that I must be repeating a beliefs that will more than than likely put me back in the same state of affairs and I would similar to avoid that. I would like to find out what exactly information technology is that I am doing wrong. My reason for contemplating a reformat is because when I tried to do a restore, it kept failing and and so I got a suggestion to attempt a Restore in the Condom Style so I tried that so I was asked for a countersign! I'1000 sure I had to create a countersign when initially installing Win 10 simply other problems along the way since the initial install of Win 10 caused me to lose the password and it is my understanding that there is no way of obtaining that password without a new install of Windows ten and a reformat.

I'k kind of stuck in an endless loop here.

Your comment has made the most sense to me thus far. Do y'all know why a Restore would fail and How I can locate my Administrator Password and avoid the re-format and new install of Win 10? I'm sure that I will somewhere down the line accept a need for that password again.

Please suggest....

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Sorry, no, I tin can't help with your restore problem,, only probably someone else here tin.

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Ok - thanks. I nonetheless like your original response considering I concord 110% on every point that you made.

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